
Did you know there are 8 different park departments in Hendricks County? As the Parks Foundation, we partner with them all in different ways to fit their community’s needs. One way is hosting a master calendar to find all park events/programs in one place.

You may also find programs from other park partners that support our mission in some way. If you host community events and would like to get on our calendar email us at admin@pfohc.org.

When you find an event or program you want to attend please double-check with the park host before showing up. Sometimes details get changed or we make small mistakes when entering the information. To be on the safe side, always check. You can find the host department in every calendar listings for your convenience.

Have fun at our parks!

Animal Tales: Gobble, Gobble

Tri-Area Library 2 W. Main Street, Jamestown

Our park naturalists come to your local library each month to share a story about a native animal and a related craft or activity with preschool through upper elementary age […]
